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Watercrown Productions DevBlog
Friday, 18 August 2006
Reminds me that...I still live...
Topic: Watercrown News

I will BURN...MY...DREAD!!!

I'd gladly fit the rest of the lyrics in here, but I'd run out of room for the great news:

For the first time in who knows how long, I've translated and debugged another piece of script

This thorny chunk of data had to do with the trade interface: granted, very few of you will probably ever make use of it (link functions through the Internet are rarely found in emulators, and sketchy where they do appear), but if you ever have the need for it, now you can trade Seeds and Drops in English.

And who do we have to thank for this? None other than my secret weapon: my own special script analyzer for Sylvanian Families, codename BMD...

For BURN...MY...DREAD!!!

Such an awesome song for an awesome-looking game; I hope a full version becomes available between now and...well, February 2007, when Persona 3 comes out. Besides continuing my string of Shin Megami Tensei references in my utils (ever wonder where "Watercrown" comes from? I love that piece from DDS ^_^), it's also rather appropriate considering I dreaded few things more than battling another tangled mess of bytecode.

Is BMD that genuine script editor I was talking about not too long ago? Not even close. XD Right now, all it can really do is parse a script out, figure out about half of what's there...I'm actually surprised I got it to load my table file and display Japanese characters. ^_^ There's approximately zero genuine functionality in there, but it has a few immensely useful functions. First off, I had the bright idea to have it sort the script using the pointer number for the block (used in call functions) and give both the script entry number and its address in the ROM, so I can hunt down each piece in Windhex for extra debugging. Second off, and the funny thing about this is how it's not even really functional yet, is that it not only parses out the game's jump commands, but also puts labels to where they jump to in the output. Used to be, I had to work this out manually using Windhex's Relative Jump function (which Bongo added at my request ^_^;). It's a little hard to sift through, mostly because my script dumps look nothing like BMD's output (though in retrospect, I could always change it if I wanted), but it's a lot more reliable than searching through code myself and hoping I didn't miss anything. (Not that BMD is 100% reliable, though. Sometimes it registers a false positive, though I've worked out most of the false negatives to my knowledge.)

Too bad nobody's written an auto-poetry writer yet. ^_^; Seriously, the game is almost to a point where I feel justified releasing an actual patch. I just want to work on the font, that opening and maybe a couple of snitty bits of code...and then it's done. I don't think I'll be braving the Flower Dictionary before my first release, unless I get a lot of feedback demanding it.

So until next time. Which might not be so far off. Wow, six days since the last update? I must be losing my touch. XD

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Posted by Ryusui at 11:14 PM PDT

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